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5 Essential Autumn Home Maintenance Jobs

It is essential that we do everything we can to protect our homes from damage. Especially as we head into the cooler month of Autumn.


Hire A Hubby have prepared for you  ‘5 Essential Autumn Home Maintenance Jobs’. This is a list of a few of the things you should be checking your property for this Autumn.







1. Insulation



It may have been a lovely and hot Summer, but let’s not forget how Winter makes us feel. Insulating the home will not only make us feel more snug but it is one of the best ways to help reduce our costs from rising gas and electricity bills.


Heat loss happens in all directions including windows, doors, floor, walls and roof. To save yourself the wasted energy you pay to keep your home warm this winter, consider a variety of options to protect and insulate your home.


From insulating your roof and walls, blocking up any open and unused chimneys to adding curtains. Your local Hire A Hubby can advise on what insulation options are available to help keep you and your property warm this Autumn.







2. Clean, Repair and Repaint Wooden Areas



It’s important to protect any exposed wood by sealing it for the cooler Autumn weather and in preparation for Winter.


Decks and gazebos are recommended to be resealed at least 2 0r 3 times a year to extend the lifetime and keep them in good working order. You should also high pressure clean to remove any dirt, cobwebs or stains regularly.


If your fence has signs of wear and tear, deal with the issues now or face the likelihood of further deterioration come the Winter. If there is already too much damage to your fence, why not simply replace some of the existing panels.







3. Clean your Driveway, Paths and Patios



The driveway is the entry path to your home and one of the key areas outside that you want to keep appealing as well as functional.


Driveways are prone to stains and spills from grease and oil. Regular maintenance is important to ensure it has a long life and looks its best.


High pressure clean of all your hard surfaces such as driveways, paths, and patios. Removal of dirt, oil and grease, or moss will always be easier with regular cleaning. Not only will they look good, but the potential for slips and falls will be minimised.







4. Seal Draughts


An easy way of keeping out the cold is by applying weather seals around your windows and doors. You may already have seals in place. Check your rubber seals around your external doors, windows and skylights for damage and wear and tear. You should replace them if they appear damaged. Seals will provide extra comfort, especially during Winter.







5. Declutter – Inside and Out and Remove any Debris



As we transition into cooler weather, you may like to take the opportunity to declutter your home. Decluttering doesn’t need to be overwhelming or time-consuming. The quickest method is simple – if you don’t use it and it has no joy or value, remove it.


Once you’ve decluttered inside your home and packed away your Summer wear, you may want to turn your attention to the garden. Any unused outdoor furniture should be covered, packed away or disposed of to protect it from the Winter elements.


Debris should be removed from gutters and drainpipes. Clogged gutters during heavy rain can cause water to pool and damage your roof, ceilings and walls.


Taking the time to to check these things in and around your home will help keep your property maintained to its best potential while boosting your energy efficiency and reducing your costs.


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